I use to eat whatever I like whenever I like and the weight had been creeping up on me.... Decides to lose weight for the wedding and I have now hit my target of losing 2 stones (13 kg!). Took me about 14 months to lose all these weight and it wasn't easier....
My method :-
- cycling on the bike machine to burn off 400 cal about 4 times a week
- Breakfast consist of either a pot of yogurt, a portion of wheetabix
- Lunch consist of either a pot of yogurt, healthy sandwich, philadelphia cheese with crackers
- Mid-day snack is only allow if I'm hungry, consist either banana, apple or a pot of yogurt (I do love yogurts!!)
- Dinner is what we use to have but a smaller portion for me
- Supper/ dessert, can't have any on a weekday! Did bend the rules on some nights though.
- Weekends is a treat as I can eat what I like.
Hope I wouldn't stuff myself too much in SG and be able to maintain the weight.