Saturday, August 19, 2006

I won! I won!!

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Not long ago, I submitted my photo for the 'Four million smiles', today I received an email to say that I won the 3rd prize.

Four Million Smiles Lucky Draw Winner 3rd Prize

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have won A Pair of SIA EconomyClass Tickets to Shanghai.

There will be a prize presentation session for the winners and I would need to check with you urgently if you are able to attend.

Details of the prize presentation session are as follows:
Date: 24th August 2006 (Thursday)
Time: 3:45pm

Too bad I wouldn't be able to attend!!

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Prize category


Anonymous said...



i am now SOOOo jealous loh

r.ang said...

wah but you dont go can still get the ticket right??? Shanghai Soooooooooooo nice!!! Eh the Laksa looks damn good leh, i need a kitchen in HK!!

May said...

Yeh, I was informed that the letter to claim for the ticket will be send to me soon.