Friday, July 10, 2009

My first attempt at Pulut Serikaya
Obtained the recipe from the Cooking to a degree cookbook from Jaster, it's actually much simpler than I thought. Just need abit more green colour and less rice.

Sam's comment : The green layer should be a bit thicker, but the taste is good.


Liyan said...

wah seh...I was telling my mum how I was amazed by your culinary skills...everytime there is someting good to eat on your blog! Hahaha!

r.ang said...

Wah kueh! I must go learn to make some too - Maybe my beloved Kueh Ambon. hee. Ooo Just wanted to tell you I read in Sunday's papers that Bengawan Solo will be selling their stuff in London Selfridges for 1 week in October! =)

May said...

This is much easier than the other kueh kueh I made previously. Definitely worth a try.
Will note in my diary to go to London Selfridges to stock up on Bengawan Solo stuffs, thanks.